

We go through life making connections, some sought, but many appearing happenstance. When looking for your calling or pursuing a dream, many of the best connections appear synchronistically, amazing “coincidences” that move you ahead in wonderful ways, that there’s no way you could have dreamed up. Traveling is one of those times when synchronistic events seem to come in waves, I’m not sure why. I’ve read that they...

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The Art of Goodbye

The Art of Goodbye

Goodbyes are hardly ever easy, especially when you are leaving those you love. Saying goodbye to family, and friends you’ve known for decades, as well as those you’ve recently met but adore, is a challenge, brings up feelings of nostalgia, sadness, anxiety, emotions we see as not fun. You remind yourself it’s not forever, you will be coming back, though at this point you have no idea when. And maybe some of those friends will...

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Letting Go

Letting Go

Have you let go of anything recently? Maybe some shirts you never wear, gave to GoodWill, or a few books you’ve already read, shared with a friend? It feels good to let go, even if it’s something small. But what about the big things? A job you dread going to every day, or a marriage that died long ago, even if you’re still living together? A house you can no longer afford, or that’s just too big now that the kids have...

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The Art of Receiving

The Art of Receiving

Why is it harder to receive than to give? If you’re a woman, especially, you’re trained from a very young age to be a caretaker, of your friends, then later on, your partner, your children, your parents as they age. We feel uncomfortable in the receiving role, uncomfortable even in taking care of ourselves. We fear we’re being selfish. So we give until we’re all burned out. What does this have to do with travel? I am putting myself in the...

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Follow Your Dreams

Follow Your Dreams

It’s amazing how one can go from feeling lost and depressed to feeling excited and en route to fulfilling your life’s calling in a matter of months. And the big difference? Following what you feel you’re truly meant to be doing vs. trying to fulfill society or relative’s or friend’s ideas of what you should do.

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