Letting Go
Have you let go of anything recently? Maybe some shirts you never wear, gave to GoodWill, or a few books you’ve already read, shared with a friend? It feels good to let go, even if it’s something small. But what about the big things? A job you dread going to every day, or a marriage that died long ago, even if you’re still living together? A house you can no longer afford, or that’s just too big now that the kids have all left home?
Many people I know want to travel, but say that they can’t, not yet, maybe some day… But maybe they can, if they do some letting go. You don’t have to quit your job, get divorced or sell your house, although that kind of letting go really does free you up for a journey. You can clean out those closets, that basement, the storage unit that’s full and you can’t even remember what’s in it. Sell things, give them to friends, donate them. It can bring in some travel funds, and make some space, in your head as well as your home.
Letting go is hard, I’m not sure why – nostalgia, security (or the illusion of), or fear, but the rewards of letting go can be great. You make room in your life for new people, places and things, and that’s exciting!