Brighton & Hove, Days With the Dachshunds

Brighton & Hove, Days With the Dachshunds

Brilliant and beautiful Brighton & Hove, on the south coast of England, offer much to enjoy, and I found myself with three weeks to explore while pet sitting for two mischievous dachshunds. Twin cities, of a sort, Hove and Brighton are like bookends, linked by a long seaside promenade. The prom is full of life, action, and beautiful views, where you can take part in numerous activities – the usual bike riding, jogging and dog walking,...

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Quaint Corsham – Dropped into Dickens

Quaint Corsham – Dropped into Dickens

What could be a more authentic English experience than living in a home on the High Street in the quaint village of Corsham? Luck was with me when I landed this house sit for sweet William, a 15-year-old pup. His masters, Mark and Andy were headed off on a holiday, and entrusted their furry friend to my care, along with their beautiful home. Will even made happy noises when I scratched behind his floppy ears, and rubbed his tummy. Corsham is a...

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House Sitting in the Highlands with Hamish

House Sitting in the Highlands with Hamish

Castles in the sky, or at least close – my house sit in Fort William, in the Highlands of Scotland, came in the form of a Victorian manse, complete with a lively companion… The Highlands have long been high on my list, and I had two weeks to enjoy the fall, with free accommodations in exchange for keeping an eye on this lovely home and entertaining my new furry friend, Hamish. Little did I know that he had 100 times my energy, and...

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Seeing the World, One House Sit at a Time

Seeing the World, One House Sit at a Time

*Note: This is a guest blog post I wrote for Trusted Housesitters, the site I use to find house sitting jobs around the world. You can house sit too, or find free pet care for while you travel, at their site, I do not get any commission for mentioning them, but I do highly recommend their company! What is a most interesting way to see the world, for a fraction of the cost most people spend? How would you like to try...

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A Day in My Life – Dog Sitting in France

A Day in My Life – Dog Sitting in France

What is a day house and dog sitting in the South of France really like? I thought I’d give you an example of one of mine, as most of them over the course of 3 weeks were pretty much the same, all wonderful… About 7am I awaken to the sound of doggie nails scratching on glass as the pups let me know it’s time to get up and take them for their walk. They sleep in their beds in the kitchen with a glass-paned door in between them...

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